Spaying and Neutering for Pets

Surgery with the most benefits – including reducing your pet’s risk for certain health issues.

Spaying/neutering is the removal of the reproductive organs in your pet. In addition to preventing overbreeding and reducing the burden on animal rescue groups and shelters, these routine procedures provide pets and owners with a wide range of benefits. Call us at 204-261-7376 to learn more.

Why is it important to spay or neuter a pet?

Unfortunately, thousands of unwanted pets end up in shelters each year. Rescue groups cannot take care of these animals long-term, and so many of them end up being humanely euthanized if they are not claimed/adopted. Spaying or neutering can lessen the amount of lost/unwanted pets that end up in these situations. In addition, these procedures cause a range of proven health benefits such as:

  • Decreased chance of developing certain cancers, infections and complications to the reproductive organs
  • Reduced likelihood of roaming and fighting (This is particularly true for male pets, as neutering reduces their testosterone levels.)
  • Improved overall mood and temperament (For female pets, this means they will no longer have to go through heat cycles, which can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.)

Does spaying or neutering have any negative effects?

Like with all surgical procedures, there are some risks that must be considered. That being said, the side effects associated with spaying and neutering are extremely rare and can be remedied right here at our hospital. They include:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Weight gain
  • Increased aggression
  • Increased risk of bone cancer (aka osteosarcoma)
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