Parasite Control & Prevention

Year-round parasite prevention is essential to protect your pet from internal & external parasites.

No matter how closely you supervise your pet, they will eventually come into contact with fleas, ticks, worms, and other parasites. The best thing to do to protect them from these harmful creatures is to ensure they are regularly taking their parasite control medications. These come in many different formulations, with different types of dosing schedules that can be catered to your pet’s unique situation. Our team can help you choose the right products to suit your needs. Call us at 204-261-7376 for more details.

What happens to a pet when they become the host of a parasite?

The symptoms and complications differ from pet to pet and the type of parasite they encounter.


  • Symptoms: Itching, red bumps on the skin.

Complications: Skin infections, hair loss, triggered immune response and scarring.


  • Symptoms: Fatigue, fever, lessened appetite (Note: Symptoms may not appear until a few weeks after initially being bitten by the tick. Look out for black, pepper-like dust on your pet’s fur. Ticks also become larger over time, as they gorge themselves on your pet’s blood.)
  • Complications: Can transmit tick-born illnesses like Lyme disease. If left untreated, severe infestation can lead to anemia and serious blood loss.

Intestinal worms (e.g. Hookworms, Ringworms, Tapeworms)

  • Symptoms: Pot belly, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and fatigue.
  • Complications: Internal organ damage, anemia and death if left untreated.


  • Symptoms: Constant coughing, decreased energy levels, weight loss, swollen belly. (Note: Early infestations or minor ones usually show little to no symptoms. Bloodwork may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.)
  • Complications: Heartworm disease, lung disease, damage to other internal organs, heart failure and death.
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