Orthopedic Services

Supporting the health of your pet’s joints, ligaments, and bones.

Loyal pet companions, no matter their size, species or age, are mostly active creatures. They love to run, walk, play, swim and so much more. It’s no surprise they may develop injuries or certain conditions on their joints and bones at some point in their life. Luckily, our team of experienced veterinarians and RVTs are here if your pet ever needs any kind of orthopedic therapy. As part of our state-of-the-art surgery suite, we also perform orthopedic surgical operations. Please feel free to give us a call at 204-261-7376 to learn more.

What kind of orthopedic treatments do you provide?

We are fully equipped to offer the following treatments for our patients’ orthopedic needs:

  • Massage
  • Pain management (via medications, supplements, etc.)
  • Casting/splinting
  • Treatments for arthritis, bone tumours, etc.
  • Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) Repair
  • Luxating Patellar Repair
  • Joint replacement surgery
  • And so much more

How are orthopedic conditions in pets diagnosed?

The process begins with a consultation with your veterinarian. Some conditions can be recognized right away, with the naked eye, while others may need further analyses via X-rays, blood tests, MRIs and other diagnostics.

What should I expect from my pet’s orthopedic surgery?

Rest assured your veterinarian will explain everything you need to know prior to your pet’s operation. Keep in mind that orthopedic surgeries are more invasive and usually more complex than soft-tissue surgeries. This translates into longer recovery times and more after-care instructions that must be followed. Each case is different and will require different pre and post-op considerations. The most common things we ask for are that patients fast the night before surgery and arrive on time for their appointment. Instructions will vary from patient to patient.

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